A fraternal organization of Catholic men, the
St. Joseph Knights of Columbus Council #12332 was chartered on January 1, 1999. In less than a year, the organization grew to a membership of 76 members. In that short time the Knights have had several fund raising and charity events that help support our parish and school.
Some of these events include a monthly all-you-can-eat breakfast, winter chili sale and apple butter cooking. The proceeds of these events go towards numerous projects and activities for the parish and school.
The Knights also help the mentally handicapped, Right to Life, and youth programs, as well as provide a Catholic information and educational service. Our Knights have also been very active in parish events including blood drives and parish picnic.
The Knights meet the 1st Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm in the Knights Meeting Room in the Lober Building.
For more information, please contact Grand Knight Chris Martin.
Join us on the 2nd Sunday of each month (Sep.-April) for an all you can eat breakfast in the school cafeteria. We serve golden biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, country style potatoes, sausage links and pancakes! Fresh fruit, milk, juice and coffee are also available.