Meet the Disciple Maker Team
Abe AuBuchon
Shirley Bieser
Risha Gaines
Connie Grindel
Phyllis Laplant
Rich Ragsdale
Jane Ramos
Abe AuBuchon is married to our 5th grade teacher, Jami. They are the parents of 4 young children. Abe has been chosen because he is a young father and is a very active Catholic. He has served as a youth minister, 8th grade PSR teacher and is actively involved in our YACHT Club. He will be a great representative of our young families.
Shirley Bieser is married to John, they have two children and 4 grandchildren, with one on the way. Shirley has been chosen because of her passion for her faith and her a long-time membership at St. Joseph’s. She currently serves as our school Principal and is actively involved in our St. Vincent dePaul food pantry. She will represent our long-time parishioners well and is eager to learn more and share this information with her parish family.
Risha Gaines is married to Paul, who is our Pastoral Council President . They are the parents of Lilly, Nora and Stella. Risha is very active in our school community, former Home and School Association President and is on our School Board. She and Paul also bring meals to many of our homebound parishioners during Lent and at Our Father’s Table. Risha will be an awesome representative of our parish school families.
Connie Grindel is married to Rob. One of her great joys of life is being Nana to her grandchildren. She currently serves as the co-director of our RCIA program. She is actively involved in our Women of Mary and served as president. Connie is active in all aspects of the life of St. Joseph’s parish. She will represent well all of the parish
family because of her active participation and the love of herfaith.
Phyllis LaPlant is married to Ron. Phyllis serves our parish as a lector, Eucharistic Minister and as co-director of our RCIA program. Phyllis has organized several of
our parish missions and has been a pilgrim on the annual parish pilgrimage to Washington DC several times. She is a daily communicant and will represent our parish well because of her great relational skills and her active involvement.
Rich Ragsdale is married to Jeannette and they have 4 children. Rich is a pilot for Air Evac. He was chosen because he is passionate about being a newly baptized Catholic. You may have heard his witness story on last year’s Archdiocesean ACA video. Rich is active in all aspects of the life of St. Joseph’s parish. He will be an awesome representative of our many new members who have joined our parish through RCIA.
Jane Ramos is married to Dr. Rusty and they are the parents of three beautiful girls. She currently serves our parish as our Coordinator of Religious Education, for both our full time and our PSR schools. Jane also has the wonderful gift of music ministry and serves also as a cantor. Jane will represent well the young families and also the religious educational needs of our parish. Her warm personality is a gift to all.